Low Back Pain
According to research carried out by the NHS, 80% of people in the UK will suffer from a bout of low back pain at some point in their lives. The back can be localised to just the low back, it can also be quite widespread across the low back and radiate into the buttocks.
Low back pain can be caused by a variety of issues such as osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease, fracture, ligament strain, muscular spasm, facet locks, tight muscles and trapped nerves. These are a few examples of causes.
Symptoms usually present as aches, pains, stiffness, weakness, pain on going up and down stairs, pain on sitting, pain on standing, sharp pain associated with movement, pain when bending, pain on rotation.
At Huddersfield Osteopath we take a full medical case history and run a full orthopaedic examination along with neurological tests to identify the cause of the low back pain. This allows for the problem to be treated effectively, eradicating the symptoms of low back pain. We will help with associated restrictions of the spine, relax the muscles as they may be in spasm, reduce pressure on the low back along with restoring function. Combined with postural exercises and maintenance treatments the symptoms may never return.
As with any pain the sooner you get an appointment at Huddersfield Osteopath, the sooner you will have a diagnosis and start on the road to recovery. We are specialists and cater our techniques to your needs.
“Absolutely amazing service, gorgeous clinic. Henna has done an amazing job with my lower back. To top it off the clinic is open on evenings and weekends which is perfect for me as I don’t need to take a day off work to attend appointments.”