Mum Clinic
Pregnancy /
Post Pregnancy
Calling all mamas! Pain during pregnancy and after giving birth is extremely common and it makes total sense as you are carrying a human, go through the birthing process and then have to look after baby once they’re born including breastfeeding them, constantly carrying them and holding them in any awkward position as long as baby is enjoying it. This can hugely affect the back and cause shoulder pain and neck pain.
A woman’s body changes quite significantly during and after pregnancy. The posture changes every trimester along with softening of ligaments and weight increase placing more pressure onto the joints including the spine and pelvis.
Sciatica and symphysis pubic dysfunction (SPD) are quite common during pregnancy. These can cause symptoms such as pain on walking, pain on sitting, pain on standing, unable to find a comfortable position and pain on movement.
We love to help mums and it is a wonderful honour to help you in your journeys towards becoming a mother and supporting you in your early days of motherhood. All out techniques are tailored to specific requirements and gentle care is taken with every patient.